New Mural on Main Street




*** Support the 60th Anniversary fund by purchasing MURAL NOTE CARDS!***
Available at the front desk while they last. $5 per pack of 5, or $20 for 5 packs.


We are thrilled to have partnered with Kansas City Art Institute students to create an eye-catching mural for the Main Street facing wall of our building. This commissioned work of art represents KCYA’s inclusive culture and spirited programming, reflecting the creativity, wonder, and joy that happens inside our big grey building on Main Street.


  • The mural was designed by Briana Mahan, now a graduate of KCAI, and was installed August 2021. 
  • The mural was celebrated at our Arts Al Fresco! event on Saturday, August 28th. This free family arts festival celebrated our 60th anniversary and featured an opportunity to meet the muralist in person, as well as numerous performances, mini classes, and arts projects for the whole family!  


“After learning about all the stretches of art that KCYA covers, I knew I had to find a way to incorporate a little bit of every single one in this mural. I’m especially drawn to character art, so coming up with the different types of artists throughout the work was incredibly fun. I wanted their clothes and actions to show art at every corner, and I think KCYA’s bright color palette did a perfect job to illustrate this. Using the rainbow as a unifying element to the image guides the viewer through the composition and through a world of art” 
- Briana Mahan, muralist







KCAI's Micro Agency Class


A symbiotic partnership between KCYA and KCAI, two well respected arts education institutions, developed through the Art Institutes’ Sponsored Studio program and Micro Agency class. The Sponsored Studio creates partnerships with local businesses and community organizations to provide unique educational experiences for students while also assisting their partners with a fresh approach to their creative challenges. The Micro Agency class serves as a student design firm that provides freelance illustration and design work to our business and community partners through the Sponsored Studio program. 


According to Randy Williams, Senior Director of Corporate and Community Programs, “the class gives the students the opportunity to understand what it is like to work with clients while also improving their presentation skills.” 


Main Street CID


The new KCYA mural was partially funded by Midtown KC Now. “Midtown KC Now and the Main Street CID believe in the power of public art, and a beautiful built environment. We’ve initiated a Midtown Murals program to help enhance what we already have, and spread more visual beauty throughout our city”, said Kevin Klinkenberg, Executive Director of Midtown KC Now.




Support our 60th Anniversary Campaign, including the new mural!


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