KCYA Programs Today




In March of 2020, all of our programming came to a screeching halt - schools closed, classes were cancelled, and our building stood empty for months. As we all know,  the way we communicate, educate, and gather changed overnight. After 59 years of in-person arts education, we were suddenly unable to create with students face-to-face, so we summoned our creativity to find solutions.


Community School of The Arts


  • This summer we are offering in person summer camps as well as a selction of hybrid dance and garage band classes. 
  • In the summer of 2020, The CSA  began offering virtual classes and camps; we reintroduced limited in-person classes in the fall, and hybrid class options for spring 2021. And we found a safe way to host our spring dance performance - the Drive In Movie Theatre!


In School Programming


  • Our In-school Teaching Artists also got to work, developing new virtual programs, and reimagining their existing programs for the screen.
  • A focus on Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) programming continues to build as critical skills like social awareness and responsible decision-making are recognized as fundamental to student success, so KCYA has been working with teaching artists to develop new programs that deal with these important skills.
  • We’re also having essential conversations with our Arts Partners districts to discuss how we and our partner organizations can assist with academic recovery, address emotional needs, develop Summer programming, and return to in-person programming in the fall. 


But the challenges we’ve all faced during this pandemic will not simply end when children are back in the classroom.  We know that KCYA will need additional financial resources to support the recovery efforts of our education partners and provide options for families with financial need. Their struggles are our struggles, and we have to find a way to make sure the arts are part of the recovery, because Arts Education is Essential!


This has certainly been a difficult year, but it has also been inspiring. Our mission continues to motivate us because now, more than ever, children need the arts to fuel their minds and lift their spirits. You can help by supporting the 60th Anniversary Campaign.


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