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Teaching Artist Application

Thank you for your interest in becoming a KCYA School & Community Programs Teaching Artist. Our professional teaching artists/ensembles are chosen based on artistic excellence, the ability to integrate academic content, effective classroom management and student engagement, strong communication with partners, and the overall needs of our roster.

Apply here


WHICH DAYS ARE YOU AVAIILABLE? [Select all that apply]
WHICH TIMES ARE YOU AVAIILABLE? [Select all that apply]

Please include the following:

  • Resume and bio. Please include previous teaching and residency experience.

  • Examples of your professional work (photos, videos, audio, etc.)

  • Three references (include email addresses and phone numbers)

Video samples: seeing you or your ensemble interacting with students is the best way for the panel to view your competency as a teaching artist. If videos are unavailable, please contact us to make other arrangements.

What Disciplines do you teach?
How did you hear about us?
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