Community School of the Arts (CSA)
Offering 13-week classes, camps, workshops, performance opportunities, and production shows for children ages 3-18.
Kansas City Young Audiences' CSA is the only program to offer classes in dance, theatre, music, and visual art in the same place, at the same time. Private instruction is also available in vocal and instrumental music. CSA classes meet during the day, after school, and on Saturdays. During the summer, full and half-day, weeklong Summer Camps offer outstanding opportunities for children to express themselves.
EARLY BIRD: SAVE 15% when you enroll before April 13. Use code SUMMER25
MULTIPLE ENROLLMENTS: SAVE 10% on multiple camps or students. Use code MULTI25

We believe that all children deserve access to the arts!
With the support of our donors, we are able to provide scholarships on a
'first-come, first-served' basis for group classes.
Scholarship Information
A limited number of scholarships are available each session.
Scholarships may be awarded for up to 60% of class fee.
Only one group class per session may be taken on scholarship.
1/3 of the total balance must be paid prior to the first day of class.
Scholarship Eligibility
Family must be current in its payments to KCYA.
Student must be 18 years of age or younger
Students must attend classes regularly to continue receiving scholarship
Parents of scholarship recipients are encouraged to volunteer 2 hours per session
To Apply for a Scholarship
Documentation of Financial Need (Provide one of the following documents)
The 1st page of the IRS 1040 form from most recent year
AFDC/TANF award letter
SSI (Based on adult applicant benefits)
Current Unemployment information
Determining Need
This table does not guarantee a scholarship award and is a rough guideline based on number of dependent children at home and adjusted gross income. You must complete the scholarship application form and submit documentation of financial need to apply for a scholarship.
Please contact enrollnow@kcya.org or
816.531.4022 with any questions.
Download and return the following Scholarship Application Form

CSA Events
Enrollment Information & FAQ
What are the Session Dates? CSA Session Dates Fall 2024: Sept 3-Dec 14 Spring 2025: Feb 3-May 10 Private lessons are arranged with Private Teaching Artist and lessons fall withing the Session dates.
Can I enroll after the session has started? Late Enrollments & Pro-rated Fees We encourage you to enroll prior to the first day of class. However, we will do our best to accommodate late enrollments and to pro-rate the fees accordingly. Any enrollment after the fourth week of the session requires the teaching artists approval. Enrollments for private instruction lessons must be arranged through the Teaching Artist.
What are typical business hours? Hours Monday – Friday: 9:00am – 7:30pm Saturday: 9:00am – 12:00pm The Business Office is open Monday – Friday, 9:00am – 5:00pm
What about inclement weather? Inclement Weather On inclement weather days, a decision may need to be made to cancel classes. We will make that decision by 2:00pm on weekdays or by 8:00am on Saturdays. We also reserve the right to cancel classes later than that if the weather conditions worsen. You may call the office at 816.531.4022, check our website homepage: www.kcya.org or visit our Facebook page for the latest information. We have reserved the week after the final week of the Session for make-up classes.
Summer Camp questions? Camp Details All camps are held at KCYA: 3732 Main Street, KC, MO 64111 All summer camps meet Monday-Friday (except the week of June 17 and July 4th) Camp begins at 8:30, campers may begin arriving at 8:00am Campers need to be picked up no later than 10 minutes after the end of camp (12:00 for half day camps, 4:00 for full day camps) Extended Daycare is available until 5:30pm for an additional fee All campers should bring a waterbottle Full day campers must bring a lunch (this includes campers attending 2 half-day camps) AM and PM snacks are provided Most Camps conclude with an end of the week camp performance on Friday. Specific information will be distributed on the first day of the camp.
What is the illness policy? Illness Policy Community School of the Arts policy (based on CDC recommendations) requires a child stay home if he or she has: Has a fever of 100.4 or higher Has been vomiting or has diarrhea (within 24 hrs) Sore throat if you suspect a strep infection, even if there is not fever. Drainage from an ear or eye (may indicate infection) Severe cough that may be uncontrollable. Frequent sneezing and coughing. This spreads sickness to others. 24 Hour Rule: Fever: Keep your child home until his or her FEVER has gone WITHOUT medicine for 24 hours. Colds can be contagious for at least 48 hours. Returning to school too soon may slow recovery and make others sick. Vomiting or Diarrhea: Keep your child home for 24 hours after last time he or she vomited or had diarrhea. Antibiotics: Keep your child home until 24 hours after the First dose of antibiotic for anything like ear infection, strep, or pneumonia. Please consult your doctor promptly if there is any doubt about the condition of your child. Follow the directions from your child’s physician or school nurse before sending your child back to school or other activities following a communicable disease. Whenever possible, KCYA will notify parents of a communicable disease incidence as appropriate.
Questions about enrollment? All enrollments are processed online through Active Camp and Class Manager. There is a small (4%) fee added to the class costs to cover part of the administration fees. You'll create your own secure account at ACTIVE CAMP & CLASS MANAGER. Click here to login to your Active Camp & Class Manager account. Who should I talk to about enrolling in a class? Enollments are processed online. If you have questions, please call 816.531.4022. Private instruction is offered through a number of fabulous teaching artists who you should contact directly.
What if I need to miss a class? Missing Classes or Lessons Please call 816.531.4022 to report an absence. Sorry, there are no make-ups for group classes, except for those classes we cancel due to weather. Some dance and acting class students may be able to make up a missed class by attending a similar class or a class one level lower than their current class.
Where are the CSA classes held? Where do we park? What is the drop off/pick up policy? All classes are held at 3732 Main St., Kansas City, Missouri 64111 Where do we park? All KCYA families are encouraged to park in our lot (3732 Main St.) if space is available. If the KCYA lot is full, you may park across the street (3731 Main Street) and use the crosswalk at 37th Street. After 5pm or on weekends you may also park at The Whole Person (3710 Main St.). Student Drop off and Pick up Policy Drop off: Students can either walk themselves or be escorted by a parent/guardian to the building entrance. Students may go directly to their class or, if early, may wait in the Family Lounge. Parents/guardians may wait inside until class dismissal. Students may arrive as early as 10 minutes before their class start time. Pick up: Parents/guardians of children ages up to 10 years should be near the classroom door at dismissal time to escort your student out of the building. Parents/guardians of children 11 and older may meet near the classroom door, in the Family Lounge, at the building entrance/exit, or you may choose to meet your child in the parking lot at dismissal time. Please make sure your child knows where to meet you. For their safety, students will not be allowed to wait outside. Students must be picked up within ten minutes of their class ending time. If you know you will be late, please give us a call. KCYA staff will be at the entrance/exit of the building to assist students as needed.
What should I know about Student Demonstrations and recitals? Student Demonstrations Typically, each group class will participate in an end of session demonstration during the final week of class for the Fall session. For the Spring Session. Students will have the opportunity to be part of the Spring Spectacular, an all CSA event where theatre students will perform an original play, dance, and music students will perform between scenes to help the story along, and art students will present in a preshow gallery. Private Student Recitals: Private instruction teaching artists will communicate with you about student recital opportunities.
What is the class cancellation policy? Cancellation & Refund Policy CLASS Cancellation & Refund Policy If you withdraw from any class prior to the first meeting, we will issue a full refund less the processing fee. Our goal is to find the perfect class for your child. If your child is not happy in their class please let us know and we’ll do what we can to find a better fit. However, after the fourth week of the session it’s difficult to transfer students into a class and the decision to accept an additional student will be made in conjunction with the teaching artist. Class credits (less the processing fee) will be issued for those who withdraw from a class after the first session if a different class is not available. Credits will remain on your account and may be used for any future classes or camps. All CSA classes require a minimum of 5 student enrollments. Should the minimum number of students not be reached, class will be cancelled and a refund will be issued. Enroll early and tell a friend to help ensure that all classes make! CAMP Cancellation & Refund Policy Prior to May 1st camp fees are refundable (less the 4% processing fee) May 1- May 30 camp fees are refundable at 50% (less the 4% processing fee) Beginning June 1 there are no refunds for camp fees, but campers may transfer to another week during the 2024 summer. The seasonal nature of our program precludes any refund, camp credit, or reduction for late or non-arrival, early withdrawal, or student cancellation within two weeks of the program for any reason.
What should my student wear to class? CSA Music, Theatre and Art class Attire Student should wear what is comfortable for them. For visual art classes, it is suggested that students not wear anything that that might get ruined if paint or art supplies were spilt on them. (We do provide paint smocks as an option when creating messy art to help avoid this.) CSA Dance Class Attire Pre-Ballet and Ballet I-VI Classes: Ladies: solid color leotard, pink tights and pink leather ballet slippers. Hair must be pulled away from the face in a bun or ponytail. Please bring rubber hair bands and barrettes to each class. Gentlemen: T-shirt, black leggings or bike shorts, and white or black leather ballet slippers. Hip Hop: Loose fitting clothes and bare feet or sneakers that are only worn for Hip Hop class. (Please, no street shoes in the dance studios.) Jazz, Lyrical, Modern, Dance for Musical Theatre, LDC, Teen/Tween Ballet: Loose fitting clothes or leotard and jazz pants with jazz shoes or ballet slippers. Hair in ponytail. Parent and Me Pre-Ballet, Tiny Creative Movement: Adults in Parent & Me class should wear comfortable clothes and socks or bare feet. No leotards required. Children can wear comfortable clothes and bare feet or the same attire as Pre-Ballet. Tap/Jazz: Loose fitting clothes or leotard and jazz pants (Gentlemen: t-shirt, black leggings or bike shorts) All dancers will need tap shoes and/or jazz shoes or ballet slippers. Hair must be pulled away from face in a bun or ponytail. Please bring rubber bands and barrettes to each class. Dance Shoes should never be worn outside, only in the Dance Studio. Street shoes are not allowed on the dance floor.